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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Do movies make us smoke?

Click on this link to read a Sarasota Herald-Tribune guest column that blames films that depict smoking (yes, including Avatar once again) for encouraging young people to smoke.  Do you believe this is a causal factor in the decision to begin or continue smoking?  Do TV shows like Mad Men romanticize or stylize smoking in a way that makes it more desirable or even irresistible?


  1. Movies are usually fictional and for the sole purpose of entertainments, however, it is true that companies use movie to promote products. There has been a tendency for some movies to romanticize smoking but, unlike when smoking first started people know the harm and damage it can do. Saying that smoking causes cancer is true but there are many other things in the world that also cause cancer. If smoking is such an issue to the point where people suggest that a warning before the movie would be good then shouldn't there be other warnings too? But I feel that movie ratings pretty much cover the warnings. Just be smart about what you let your kids watch and inform them of the cause and effects of smoking.

  2. I would have to say yes, in every movie I have seen since I've started smoking has made me want a ciggie when I see one light up. However, as a child I can't recall ever wanting a ciggie because I saw someone else smoking one. In fact I was very very critical of anyone who smoked. When I found out that Johnny Depp smoked I think I might have cried. My point is that I was aware of the harm it could do,but regaurdless, for unknown reasons I chose to start smoking. I believe the D.A.R.E. program does very well at informing children of the harm drugs can cause and also do a great job of threatening them if they do drug. It's a presonal preference, you can't blame anyone for your choices.

  3. I would say that movies have as much of an effect as making us smoke as they do in promoting us to commit violent acts. They are many parents who put the blame of their child's actions on video games, movies and the people that make them. Yes there may be a picture reinforcing the act, but truthfully it is based on the actions of all parties involved. One chooses to watch the movie with the content in it. They were not forced to. An image is an image, it cannot just jump out of the screen and force someone to smoke. A person chooses to smoke on their own standards, because they saw a picture of it.
