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Thursday, February 4, 2010

monster shark

'Monster Shark' Chomps Into Great White

1 comment:

  1. Again, this shows how humans never seek to commune with their environments. If something is uncomfortable in the environment, we change it till it suits us. Not matter the cost.

    Those nets are harming a huge, already damaged ecosystem and they want to keep them in place so they can keep an animal that lives there already away from another animal that's invaded.

    Something seems fishy there.

    I understand the need to keep people safe, but if the danger is there and people keep swimming and not sure there is any reason why they cant just swim there of their own accord. On average, there's about 4 attacks a year from sharks. That's not nearly enough to justify the killing of theses animals so we can have fun swimming. Just for laughs, go ahead and look up how many people die from car crashes and compare that to shark attacks.
