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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is it OK to steal wireless signals?

Lindsay Agnew offers this link to an article that explores the ethics of connecting to unprotected (non-public) wireless routers to obtain free internet access.  We've all done it (or been tempted to)--is it ethical?

1 comment:

  1. As far as stealing wireless signal goes, I have two views on it. I have stolen wireless signal before, or should I say used an unprotected wireless signal. I don't really consider it stealing, unless you hack into their wireless router and actually set up the proper security. If you did that, then I guess you'd be the only one who could use the signal, which I would technically consider stealing. However, if its occasional use for simple internet searches or email, then I don't really see the problem with it.

    This case could relate to the ethical concept of property rights. There are many stores that offer free use of unprotected wireless signal. The individuals providing the use of their store's wireless signal know that people are using it. People who don't know enough to set up their password, or just neglect to, would probably consider it stealing if they knew somebody was using their signal, without them knowing. Its true that stealing is usually viewed as a bad thing, but if your lightly using these unprotected signals for small uses, I don't consider that bad. What I would consider a bad thing would be if you used an unprotected wireless source to torrent illegal downloads. Eventually, if you torrented enough, their internet provider would most likely limit their bandwidth, or send them a warning. Pushed even further, legal issues could arise.
